Friday, April 13, 2012

Mother's Day Gifts and Common Sense

Stores are full of trinkets that, according to the marketing, are just what Mom wants on her special day. I've never met a mother who truly needs or wants another scented candle or bath-and-body set.

It's the thoughtfulness of a child that warms Mom's heart. She appreciates the recognition of her love and nurturing. A big hug and a 'thank you' would probably be her favorite Mothers Day gift, but few of us are comfortable stopping at that. We all like to give Mom something tangible.

Speaking as both a daughter and a mother, I prefer sensible items. Most of us are are really having to stretch our dollars these days, too, so outlandish and over-priced roses or diamonds just don't fit the budget or the sentiment.

Because my daughter is a far more gifted cook than I am, I encourage her to make my  Mothers Day gift something from her oven. Last year she delighted me with four dozen of her meringue cookies delivered in a new pie carrier that --unlike my old one-- still had a handle for ease of carrying.

The best Mothers Day gift I ever received from my son was a good set of jumper cables to keep in the trunk of my car.

The reason these gifts stand out for me is that they came from the heart. My children paid attention to my lifestyle and to my needs and wants, rather than just falling in line with the advertising and plunking down their hard-earned money for something that would only be relegated to the closet.

I encourage you to follow their example. Pay a visit to your mom and notice what she says, what she does, and most of all, what she truly needs and wants. Let her know that she's special by showing her through your gift that you care enough to put some thought into her gift.

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