Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Emergency Preparedness: A Matter of Habits and the Heart


Dan Camacho

Emergency preparedness. What does it make you think of? Food storage? Extra blankets? MREs? Flashlights? 72-hour kits? Strapping down the water heater?

Emergency preparedness is all of the above, of course. But it\'s something more than just gathering 'stuff' or stockpiling food. It\'s not just temporal, it\'s spiritual as well.

Emergency preparedness begins in the heart. The best way to be prepared is to be holy. In many ways, holiness is created by the habits we choose to develop. And the most foundational habit we can develop is to be obedient.

I have seen many people handle emergencies - from medical crises, to job losses, to sudden deaths. It has been fascinating to watch. Some people are devastated by emergencies, while others move forward and handle them calmly, with much less apparent trauma.

What makes the difference? Preparation. What makes people prepared? Faithful obedience over time.

People who are faithful and obedient are almost always better prepared for emergencies. The deeper their reserves, the better they seem to weather the crises life inevitably brings.

Deep reserves are created through faithful obedience. Whether the reserves are emotional strength, reservoirs of faith, or commodities stored in the basement, they are generally accumulated bit by bit over time. In many ways, emergency preparedness is a matter of looking to our habits and our hearts.

Are we in the habit of daily scripture study and prayer? Are we in the habit of living within our means? Are we in the habit of budgeting and tracking expenses? Are we in the habit of carefully acquiring food storage, even if we must do so slowly? Are we in the habit of eating from the foods we store? Are we in the habit of planning ahead? Most important of all, are we in the habit of following the Prophet?

These are small and simple things that, to quote Sister Julie Beck, 'may seem almost mundane.' Even so, they can feel overwhelming - especially if you try to do everything all at once.

If the thought of emergency preparedness overwhelms you, choose just one small habit to work on. Maybe it\'s morning prayers; maybe it\'s balancing the checkbook every month; maybe it\'s just having oatmeal for breakfast once a week.

No one can do everything, but everyone can do something. When our hearts are right, the Lord magnifies our efforts. When he sees that we are serious about something, he helps us. Emergency preparedness is no exception.

Sometimes the hardest part is just to start. But once we\'ve started, it\'s easier to continue. And the more consistent we are, the easier it gets. Over time, the smallest of efforts can add up in a miraculous way.

The time to start working on emergency preparedness is today. Step out in faith by developing good habits now, one at a time. Good habits are the best emergency preparedness there is. Over time, they help us build reserves that will help us handle any crisis and weather any storm.
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About the Author
Visit: LDS Emergency Preparedness

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