Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Get Ready - The Next Steps

It has been my intention to share in this blog the ways in which I have moved toward greater self-sufficiency. I'm not expecting a world-wide catastrophe (although I'm not denying the possibility) but I want to be able to survive a few days or a few weeks in the event that a natural disaster comes my way. What's more, I like not having to depend upon an increasingly unworkable commercial system to supply my basic needs.

We saw after Hurricane Katrina how unprepared most people are to survive on their own when disaster strikes. Those who could not or would not evacuate surely expected to be rescued and back to normal life immediately after the storm passed.

It didn't happen. It still hasn't happened for many of those people.

Fifty years ago, would it have been the same? Probably not. Fewer people were crammed into the urban areas and most of them were still able to access the skills they learned growing up -- skills such as cooking without electricity or microwave meals.

I believe that a great many people today would like to be self-sufficient, or at least better able to take care of themselves and their families. They just don't know where to start. If you are one of those people or if you know some of them, this blog may be helpful.

Rather than reinvent the wheel by giving you my own suggested steps, I'll often refer you to other internet resources.  One such resource is The Deliberate Agrarian's post An Agrarian-Style Economic Self Defense Plan.

This post spells out the first steps to be taken by those seeking to become more self-reliant. More than that, however, it provides insight into our country's economic situation. Written in early 2008, this post was prophetic in its clear look at what was to come.

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