Tuesday, February 28, 2012

The Easter Dinner Dilemma

We're a fairly traditional family when it comes to holidays. It's turkey for Christmas and ham for Easter, with the usual green bean casserole and other expected side dishes.

I've been wondering if perhaps we ought to shake things up a bit. I've even suggested it from time to time, but the children (fully grown) seem to prefer the same old and familiar ways. As the chief cook, however, I can't help but think about tweaking the menu a little.

Just this morning I was googling for ideas and I ran across a site that primarily sells Easter baskets but they also have Easter gifts of various sorts. Yes, they all look wonderful and I wouldn't mind at all if the bunny left one of these Easter gift baskets for me, but that's not my point.

 In addition to the goodie baskets, though, they've got a smoked apple cured ham. Hmmm. Could I, do you suppose, cook up the usual Easter meal but with minor changes, like this apple cured ham instead of our standard ham ham?  Maybe I could even experiment with the potato salad. Do you think the kids would rebel if I jazzed up the deviled eggs?

Or maybe I should just stick to the expected menu but throw in one extra dish to surprise the gang. I'm open to your suggestions. Got any recipes that would wow my crowd and convince them that change can be a good thing?

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Goat Farming Business Plan – A Beginners Guide To Raising Goats

Author: Lisa Paule

We all know that starting any kind of business requires a business plan, and goat farming is no different. It is always said that when you fail to plan, you are planning to fail because if you do not know what you are doing, it will lead you to your demise.

As much as a business plan is important, there is something that you need as equally as you need a business plan. This is called A Beginners Guide To Raising Goats.

As the name suggests, this is a guide that can be used by you to learn what goat farming is about, and it will give you the knowledge that you need to start raising goats, or if you want to, even start your own goat farm.

It covers everything that you need to know, from where the best places are to buy the best goats at reasonable prices, to what you need to raise goats successfully to the best way to take care of them as well maintain them to be the healthiest and happiest goats.

This book is basically going to lay out every step that you need to take to start your goat farming business. Here is more of what you are going to learn from A Beginners Guide to Raising Goats:

  • It will take you through the process of knowing how to pick the goats, and how to know the goats that are sick from the healthy ones, making sure that you buy the best ones.
  • The best way to choose the best goats to raise, from the many different goats breeds
  • Steps that you need to ensure that you have proper shelter for your goats
  • Ways that you can use to know a goats proper age
  • The things to avoid when you are transporting the goats
  • The best way to seed the pasture for your goats
  • Proven strategies for the best way to organize housing for your goats
  • When the best time is to ensure that your goats are vaccinated
  • Tips that you need to know for caring for the goats to ensure that they are strong and healthy
  • What to feed your goats the most nutritional meals while keeping it affordable
  • Learn how often should the goats be milked
  • How you can best communicate with the goats and a lot more.
That is a lot of information to learn and it will separate you from the many other people who will start their goat farming business with no information.

This package comes with bonuses that will get you even more prepared to start. Here they are:

  • A quick start guide on keeping goats
  • The Secrets on Running A Small Goat Farm On A Shoestring budget
  • Goat Products That That You Can Make Yourself
This package offers you all that you need to know to know to start and maintain a goat farming business, to ensure that you get more than 100% of whatever you invest back. Do not be caught starting a goat business without this guide, because you will be setting yourself up for failure. This is essentially your Goat Farming Business Plan

Click here to get this guide!
Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/pets-articles/goat-farming-business-plan-a-beginners-guide-to-raising-goats-4635118.html

About the Author

Learn more about Goat mating, click here

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Cool Weather Gardens - Start Your Peas, Lettuce and Tomatoes?


Jon Ruppel

Cool weather gardening is a great way to start the spring gardening push. For the earliest garden, or in extremely cold climates, cold weather crops give us a great way to get started in the garden even before the last chance of frost has faded away. And most of these favorites will thrive in containers, so you can start them inside if you like.

One of the easiest and earliest to produce are radishes. Simple to sow and grow, they can often be harvested in only about 30 days, so these are a must for anyone trying to start an early garden. And they are great for a salad.

Speaking of salads, no salad is complete without lettuce or spinach. Leave lettuce is easy to grow almost anywhere. It germinates well, will tolerate some light frost, and is quick to mature. It can be planted from seed, or transplants. Start with the leaf or buttercrunch lettuce, they\'re easier to grow than head lettuce, mature more quickly, and the harvest time is longer as well. Spinach has a growth pattern much like leaf lettuce. However, it\'s a little hard to germinate, so you may want to start it in a peat pot before setting it out in the garden.

Another cold weather garden standby is peas. In some parts of the country you can plant peas in the ground as soon as the ground thaws enough to stick your finger in to push the seed down. A light feeder, this one actually improves the soil as it grows by fixing nitrogen. And for a variation on the pea theme, there are few crops that are as mouthwatering straight out of the garden as sugar snap peas, which can also make a great addition to that salad.

One other crop that is not normally thought of as cold weather crop are tomatoes. These favorites are not frost hardy, and prefer warmer temperatures to thrive. But that\'s not to say that with a little help we can push mother nature to let us gain a few weeks on starting those tomatoes. By using container or hanging planters, or water teepees in the garden, you can get the jump on your neighbors on getting those tomatoes going in your garden.

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/gardening-articles/cool-weather-gardens-start-your-peas-lettuce-and-tomatoes-843328.html

About the Author
If you want to learn more about cold weather favorites like growing sugar snap peas, growing lettuce, or getting the jump on growing growing early spring tomatoes then head on over to howtogardenguide.com

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Birthday Presents

Authored by Leandro Delgado

One of the most difficult parts of living in a rural location is shopping. It’s hard for me to carve out time to drive to the mall, because it ends up being an all-day affair. I have always been known to have a phenomenal ability to remember birthdaysand to send a perfect present, but that stopped for a while once we moved to our current house. It was just so hard to shop for the perfect present and drive all the way home. I knew online shopping would be a perfect solution, but we unfortunately did not have home internet access. I know that’s hard to believe, but I didn’t think we had any options based on where we lived. Luckily, a good friend recommended we check out a local rural internet service. I partially think she just missed her awesome birthday presents each year. Whatever her motivation, I’m glad she passed the information along. Thanks to my new ability to shop online, I’m back to being a wonderful gift giving friend. And I couldn’t be happier. My husband isn’t as enthused with the fact that I spend so much money on my gifts, but he is ok with it for the most part, since it makes me so happy.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

New Windows for the New Year

What a winter, eh? Temperatures are nowhere near normal, at least not in most parts of the country. While I'm not complaining about the relatively mild weather we're having here, I am a tad disappointed that I haven't had a chance to test my new windows.

They were installed last spring, just after I'd spent another winter trying to make those so-called 'window quilts' work (they don't.) These are double glazed windows, and that just means that there are two panes of glass. Air is trapped in between and works like a buffer between the cold outdoors and the heated indoors.

Double glazing is reputed to do a fine job of keeping out the cold and wind. Of course, that means the house stays warmer inside and the heating bills stay lower. According to everything I've read, in fact, it could save up to 50 percent, and as you know, I'm all in favor of saving that kind of money.

I'd suggest that you do your research now, while it's still too cold to plant the garden. I found a lot of good information about All Double Glazing on the web but I also checked with my local experts to be sure it was the right choice for our climate.

Comparing my heating costs this year with last year's bills for the same time period, it certainly seems that I've made a good investment. At this point, I definitely would recommend to most of you that you consider an upgrade of this sort before another winter comes around. Of course, the double glazing also helps to keep the house cooler in summer. If you live in an urban or suburban area, there's a nice plus -- double glazed windows reduce outside noise!

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Perseverance Is Really Another Word For Self-Reliance

Author: Daniel Alan

When a man is in the right path, he must persevere. I speak of this because there are some persons who are born tired; naturally lazy and possessing no self-reliance and no perseverance.

But they can cultivate these qualities, as Davy Crockett said:
"This thing remember, when I am dead: Be sure you are right, then go ahead."

It is this go-ahead addiction, this determination not to let the horrors or the blues take possession of you, so as to make you relax your energies in the struggle for independence, which you must cultivate.
How many have almost reached the goal of their ambition, but, losing faith in themselves, have relaxed their energies, and the golden prize has been lost forever.

It is, no doubt, often true, as Shakespeare says:
"There is a tide in the affairs of men, Which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune."

If you hesitate, some bolder hand will stretch out before you and get the prize.

Remember the proverb of Solomon:
"He becometh poor that dealeth with a slack hand; but the hand of the diligent maketh rich."

Perseverance is sometimes but another word for self-reliance. Many persons naturally look on the dark side of life, and borrow trouble. They are born so. Then they ask for advice, and they will be governed by one wind and blown by another, and cannot rely upon themselves. Until you can get so that you can rely upon yourself, you need not expect to succeed.

Men who have met with pecuniary reverses, and absolutely committed suicide, because they thought they could never overcome their misfortune. But I have known others who have met more serious financial difficulties, and have bridged them over by simple perseverance, aided by a firm belief that they were doing justly, and that Providence would "overcome evil with good."

You will see this illustrated in any sphere of life.

The only way to achieve equanimity, balance or equilibrium even after you become the wealthiest individual is to have your sense of realizing the trueessence of life.

Nothing in life is constant. Life is ever changing and things that seem to have existence today may cease to exist tomorrow and this is a fact that you and everyone else must learn to accept.

It is my sincere belief that every person has the potential to succeed in life. As long as you believe it as well then you're already halfway there.

Also, do keep in mind:
"Wealth is more than just money."
Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/motivational-articles/perseverance-is-really-another-word-for-selfreliance-110037.html

About the Author

Daniel Alan is the creator of the critically acclaimed Perfect Path To Wealth system and an expert at making money online.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

How to Remove the Main Obstacle to Self-reliance


John Vespasian

Given infinite time, everybody would be able to attain his goals in life.
* Years spent moving around without direction would not matter much, since you would be able to try your luck countless times at any game.

* Even making the same mistake repeatedly wouldn\'t bring anyone down, since errors lose relevance when compared with the possibility of endless improvement.

A boundless availability of time would render people fearless, but such infinity does not exist for any individual. By the time we reach our tenth year of age, we have all already acquired a solid grasp of the meaning of time.

Internalizing the fact that the human lifespan is limited pushes many into a chronic state of fear. The years available to a person for developing his relationships and career are not countless.

Time constraints magnify the consequences of mistakes. Excessive concern for the future is often the by-product of this realization.

A solid level of self-reliance is the perfect antidote to irrational apprehensions. No matter how lucky you are in any field, life will present you with a never-ending series of problems.

How can you increase your capacity to respond rationally and effectively to challenges? Which technique could you use to build self-confidence and peace of mind?

I have myself employed different methods with various levels of success. The approach that has by far proven to be the most effective is removing the fantasy that constitutes the main obstacle to self-reliance. That fantasy is called perfection.

When we take delivery of a new car, we all know that, sooner or later, it is going to be scratched. If we cling to the belief that our vehicle must remain forever intact under any circumstances, what will be the likely consequences?

* On the one side, we will become extremely upset the first time that the car suffers a minor scratch.

* In addition, to reduce the possibility of damaging the car, some would tend to drive at such ridiculously slow speed that they might even cause themselves a traffic accident.

What can you do about it? My answer is simple. Make attempts at doing reasonably well in whatever you are up to, but forget about trying to achieve perfection. Seeking permanent bliss in life is like trying to learn a new game without ever making any mistakes.

Unrealistic expectations only lead to wasted effort. They will create extremely high levels of stress, shame, inhibition, and psychological paralysis.
Giving up the search for perfection and adopting a more realistic approach to life will naturally enhance your self-reliance. Let that be the engine that carries you forward on the road to a better life.

See John Vespasian\'s blog


Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/self-improvement-articles/how-to-remove-the-main-obstacle-to-selfreliance-839115.html

About the Author
John Vespasian has lived in New York, Madrid, Paris, and Munich. His stories reflect the values of entrepreneurship, tolerance, and self-reliance. See John Vespasian\'s blog at http://johnvespasian.blogspot.com/